There are Some Things Worth Finishing – Chapter 19

Posted by on Jun 16, 2014 in The Story | 0 comments

An author writes:

A few years ago we went on a cruise and got excited about art. We bought a few prints and could not
wait to get home, frame them, and hang them. We thought when people came over to visit they would
say, “Rick and Karen are so cultured. We wish we were more like them.” The prints are still in the
container they were shipped in. But we were sure excited at first.

A year or two ago my boys came home with a chin-up bar you hook on a door frame. I thought, “I’ll show
them how this is done. My boys will say, ‘Our dad is a beast.’” I think I used it once. But I was excited
when they brought it home.

I have a huge plastic container full of pictures. We dream of having these put in albums and arranged by
year on a bookshelf. We think when people come over they will say, “We wish we were as organized as
Rick and Karen.” We get excited about the idea every so often.

We have a collection of unfinished projects. There are some books and exercise programs too. Things
started but left unfinished. Do you finish everything you start? I imagine not. And to be honest, some
things aren’t worth finishing.

But don’t think, even for a second, that you can put God in your collection of unfinished projects. For
starters, he isn’t a “project.” Besides, he’s not going to sit on a shelf contentedly waiting for you to give
him your attention once the kids are grown or the retirement is funded or other tasks are completed.

The Israelites learned that lesson the hard way. They returned from Babylonian captivity to rebuild the
temple. They started strong but in time turned their attention to other endeavors. What was important
to God became unimportant to them.

Sixteen years passed without any work being done on the temple. So God allowed drought and
downturns and difficulties to come upon them. And he said, “Give careful thought to your ways”
(Haggai 1:5, 7).

God is either the main thing in your life or he is nothing. At the end of the day, each of us are responsible
for our own schedule. There is really no such thing as partial obedience. God begins as the priority
and then we schedule time with him. We schedule the things that are important to him. Jesus said,
“Seek first the kingdom of God . . .” (Matthew 6:33).

The Jews eventually got back to God’s priorities and took part in one of the greatest works of heaven.
You can too. There are some things worth finishing.

Don’t let God’s BIG THING become our little thing.  Make God’s BIG THING become our BIG THING!

Read The Story. Experience The Story. Used with permission © Zondervan 2010

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