Revival Shareables from Nov. 9
Faith In Action from Steve Canfield
- I am confident in His leading, not because I know the future, but because I know the past.
- I have a history with God.
- Dads, be intentional about starting spiritual conversations in your home.
- Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill
- A person whose life is upside down will not change until GOD sets them right side up.
Revival Shareables from Tuesday Night, Nov. 7
THE BROKEN LIFE from Steve Canfield
- You will not meet God in revival until you first meet Him in brokenness.
- Brokenness is not an emotion. It is an act of the will.
- Brokenness is a humble and obedient response to the conviction of the God’s Spirit. When we are broken, the very life of God flows from us and affects those around us.
- Most people have become comfortable with a certain level of sin in our lives.
- There is no brokenness where there is no repentance.
- God is serious about sin! But He is just as serious about forgiveness.
Revival Shareables, Nov. 8, 2017
Tweetables from Life Action Revival Evangelist Steve Canfiled
- You will never embrace the will of God until you understand the ways of God.
- Apply in the dark what you learn in the light.
- There is never panic in heaven, just plans.
- Nothing ever just “occurred” to God.
- We see God as a BIG God of creation & a “midget God” of everyday life.
Sunday Shareables from Oct. 23, 2016
How Did I End Up Here?
Matthew 26 & 27
Click here to go to video link of sermon
- We are much like Judas, we are into things for how it benefits us, sometimes including church and our relationship with God.
- A “hard hearted” person has no fear of God and they are spiritually unreasonable and irrational.
- Our DECISIONS determine DESTINY!
- If you are a believer, you NEVER feel like you think you will feel after you sin.
- Judas confessed aloud, but did not repent inside.
- “Sin always overpromises and underdelivers, while righteousness pays dividends.” -Mark Batterson
Sunday Shareables from Oct. 16, 2016
The Myth of Control
Proverbs 3:1-8
Click here to go to video link of sermon
- MOST OF LIFE is made up of things that are out of our control.
- “The only thing you can absolutely control is how you react to things that you cannot control.” -Bassami Tazzari
- Most Christians don’t have a problem knowing what’s right, we have a problem doing what’s right.
- “The will of God is revealed in the Word of God.” -Warren Wiersbe
- “When the MIND is engaged in an issue the motive is ‘I ought to.’ When the WILL is engaged in an issue the motive is ‘I have to’ When the HEART is engaged in an issue the motive is ‘I want to.’ ” -John Phillips
- Self-wisdom is dangerous wisdom!
- When things are out of your hands, place them in God’s hands!
- When things are most out of our control, that’s when God likes to show us He’s in control.
Sunday Shareables from Oct. 2, 2016
Wearing Our Christian Costume
Revelation 3:14-22
Click here to go to video link of sermon
- “We’re too Christian to enjoy sin and too sinful to enjoy Christ.” -Mark Batterson
- “We’ve got enough Jesus to be informed, but not enough Jesus to be transformed.” -Mark Batterson
- “The meaning of the word Christian has been reduced to practically nothing. … Because the word Christian as a symbol has been made to mean so little, it has come to mean everything and nothing” -Francis Schaeffe
- “We’ve given people just enough Jesus to be bored but not enough to feel the surge of holy adrenaline that courses through their veins when you decide to follow him no matter what, no matter where, no matter when.” -Mark Batterson
- “The Bible is clear, Christians are those who are savingly united to God through Jesus Christ.” -John MacArthur
- Your Christian life is not a HOBBY! Your Christian life will determine your eternal destiny!
- Repentance is the last thing an unbeliever or believer wants to do.
- You are not a Christian by chance, you are a Christian by choice! -Dr. Milton Worthington